ترجمة سونيت 2 لشكسبير Sonnet 2 Shakespeare
ترجمة سونيت 2 لشكسبير Sonnet 2 Shakespeare |
When forty winters shall besiege thy brow
And dig deep trenches in thy beauty's field
Thy youth's proud livery so gazed on now
Will be a tattered weed of small worth held
Then being asked, where all thy beauty lies
Where all the treasure of thy lusty days
To say within thine own deep sunken eyes
Were an all-eating shame, and thriftless praise
How much more praise deserved thy beauty's use
If thou couldst answer 'This fair child of mine
Shall sum my count, and make my old excuse
Proving his beauty by succession thine
This were to be new made when thou art old
And see thy blood warm when thou feel'st it cold
عندما يحاصر جبينك أربعون شتاءً
وتحفر السنون أثلاماً عميقة في حقل جمالك
فإن عنفوان شبابك الذي نبصر نضرته الآن
لن يكون سوى نبتة ممزقة لا نفع منها ولا قيمة لها.
وإن سُئلت إذ ذاك عن مكمن جمالك
وعن الكنز الذي امتلكته إبان شبابك الطافح بالقوة والحيوية
ستجيب أنه مطمور في عينيك الغائرتين
وسط عار دائم النهش مقيم، وثناء عقيم.
لكن كم ستكون مستحقاً للثناء
لو استطعت الإجابة بالقول: "ها ابني الوسيم
يروي قصة حياتي ويؤكد أنني صرفت عمري كما ينبغي أن أصرفه."
عندئذٍ سيكون وريثك برهاناً على أن جماله قد ورثه عنك، فهو في الأصل جمالك.
بابنك سيتجدد شبابك في سن الشيخوخة،
وسيجري الدم حاراً في عروقك عندما تتسلل إليك رعشة البرد.
Comment - tell him
When you reach the age of forty, and the years have messed with your beautiful face and left wrinkles and grooves in it, your tender youth, which we see now a reality before us, turns into something without luster or suffocation.
And if you were asked at that time about your splendid beauty and to whom you bequeathed it, you will not be able to say that it is still preserved in the image of another face, but you will say that it is buried in the grave of your eyes in which you buried your whole being when you refused to leave that self-prison by your selfishness and fascination with your person, and what a shame it will not remove or compensate for any praise
But if you were able to answer by saying: “My beauty is still alive in my son, who radiates my beauty and my blood flows in his veins. He is living proof that I have fulfilled my duty in life.”
Don't you know that your heir will be living proof that he inherited his beauty from you, and that is why your beauty did not die because it still glows in your son through whom you are rejuvenated, even when you lose your strength and reach old age
Even when the shiver of old age crept into your nerves and you feel its bitter cold, you will nevertheless feel the hot blood of youth running through your veins, dispelling that shiver and feeling warm and comfortable.
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