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ترجمة سونيت ١ لشكسبير SONNET 1 Shakespeare

 ترجمة سونيت ١ لشكسبير SONNET 1 Shakespeare

ترجمة سونيت ١ لشكسبير SONNET 1 Shakespeare
ترجمة سونيت ١ لشكسبير SONNET 1 Shakespeare


From fairest creatures we desire increase,

That thereby beauty's rose might never die,

But as the riper should by time decease,

His tender heir might bear his memory:

But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,

Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,

Making a famine where abundance lies,

Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel:

Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament,

And only herald to the gaudy spring,

Within thine own bud buriest thy content,

And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding:

Pity the world, or else this glutton be,

To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.

من أجمل المخلوقات نبغي ازديادا

حتى لا تموت وردة الجمال أبدا

لكن بما أن الأكثر نضوجاً ستطاله يد المنون مع الزمن

فربما خلـّد وريثه الغض الإهاب ذكراه.

لكن رباطاً وثيقاً يربطك بعينيك البراقتين

وتغذي شعلة حياتك بوقود ذاتك الحيوي،

فتخلق مجاعة حيث الخيرات تفيض بوفرة

حقاً أنك لعدو ذاتك، وأنك لقاسٍ كل القسوة على نفسك العذبة.

أنت يا من أنت زينة الدنيا ورونقها،

والبشير الوحيد لربيع زاهي الألوان بهيج

إنك لتدفن بذور كيانك في برعم حياتك

وتهدر ما لديك هدراً، أيها الشحيح البخيل.

اشفق على العالم، أو كن هذا الجشع الأكول

لتلتهم أنت والقبر غلة هذه الدنيا ومحصولها


Here, Shakespeare woos a single nobleman, advising him to abandon his celibacy and to think seriously about marriage and childbearing. He formulated his wish in an eloquent manner, adopting allusions without declaring, conveying to this noble man thoughts full of metaphors and benefactors, full of admonition and temptation, so that he might thus win him over to take his opinion and change his lifestyle characterized by loneliness and exclusivity.
That nobleman must have been a friend of Shakespeare, and the latter had a sign of him, otherwise he would not have addressed him with such a warm emotional appeal rising from the depths of jealousy and concern
He addresses him with the meaning: You are the most beautiful thing that God has created and we sincerely wish that this beauty remains alive, so that the hand of death does not tamper with it.
He assures him that things mature with time, and the maturity of a person here is his progress in age, and that the fruit of his life will sooner or later fall from the branch of the tree of life, and therefore the necessity arises for an heir to keep the memory and memory forever.
He tells him: You are connected to the sparkle of your eyes instead of investing that sparkle and breeding another sparkle; And that you fuel the flame of your life with your own fuel instead of lighting another flame that carries your fire and light and keeps burning forever
Then he admonishes him, saying: The good is in you and those around you, yet you create for yourself an imaginary and unjustified famine. This starvation is a metaphor for celibacy and childlessness, although the possibilities and circumstances are available, and all you have to do is take the initiative and benefit from the element of time.
He hardens him by saying: In this behavior of yours and depriving yourself of a child, you are the enemy of and unjust to yourself. You are the handsome, the joy of the world.. You alone can create a new spring by giving birth to a child that matches the spring of life, in its splendor and splendor. But unfortunately you bury your seeds in the bud of your mortal human life without planting them in human soil that grows tender flowers that breathe your breath and carry the sap of your being
Then he accuses him of being stingy and stingy because he does not spend what he has on what is useful and good for him, but rather squanders his energies in vain, as there is no growth, no flower, or fruit.
Then he gives him a final advice, saying: Have pity on this world and do not deprive it of your offspring. If you do not, you will turn into a veiled greed, or a ghoulish ghoul, which contributes to reducing the number of people by refraining from increasing them, and thus helps the grave to devour the yields of the world, that is, the inhabitants



By: Ahmad Ashry

By: Ahmad Ashry

Ahmed Ashry .. An English teacher and trainer .. A Member of the International Translators Association .. A Lecturer and trainer of self-development and human relations .. Interested in blogging to enrich the global content and humanitarian assistance .

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