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ترجمة وشرح سونيت ٣ لشكسبير Sonnet 3 Shakespeare

ترجمة وشرح سونيت ٣ لشكسبير Sonnet 3 Shakespeare 

ترجمة وشرح سونيت ٣ لشكسبير Sonnet 3
ترجمة وشرح سونيت ٣ لشكسبير Sonnet 3

Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest

Now is the time that face should form another

Whose fresh repair if now thou not renewest

Thou dost beguile the world, unbless some mother

For where is she so fair whose uneared womb

Disdains the tillage of thy husbandry

Or who is he so fond will be the tomb

Of his self-love to stop posterity

Thou art thy mother's glass and she in thee

Calls back the lovely April of her prime

So thou through windows of thine age shalt see

Despite of wrinkles this thy golden time

But if thou live remembered not to be

Die single and thine image dies with thee

ترجمة سونيت ٣ لشكسبير Sonnet 3

انظرْ في مرآتك وقل للوجه الذي تراه

لقد آن الأوان كي يصوغ هذا الوجه وجهاً آخر.

فإن لم تجدّد نضرة هذا الوجه

تخدع العالم وتحرم امرأة من أن تصبح أمّاً.

أية امرأة لم يُحرث رحمُها بعد

ترفض لكَ زرعاً؟

ومن هو ذلك الأحمق الذي يحوّل عشقه لنفسه قبراً

يبتلع ذريته ويقطع نسله؟

أنت مرآة أمِك وهي مرآتك

فبك تجدد شبابها وتستعيد ربيع حياتها

وهذا ما ستراه أيضاً في نسلك عند الكِبَر،

سترى أيامكَ الذهبية من نوافذ شيخوختك، باستثناء التجاعيد.

أما إن رغبت في أن لا تحيا في ذاكرة الأيام والبشر،

مُتْ أعزباً تمُتْ صورتك معك.

تعليق على سونيت ٢ لشكسبير Sonnet 3

Commentary on Shakespeare's Sonnet 3

tell him

Get up to the mirror and stare well at your face, and say to him: It is time for this face to have a handsome faux pas.

This face you see in the mirror will not retain its goodness forever, so it must be renewed. This renewal is possible through marriage and childbearing. Then beauty will naturally transfer from your face to your son's face to settle there

But if you do not take the initiative to renew it, you will have wronged the world by depriving it of a beautiful, perhaps good person who lives in between.

Do you think that one of the women will refrain from you and refuse to give birth to you an heir?

What foolishness are you committing by turning your love for yourself into a grave that annihilates you and your offspring?

Don't you know that you are the mirror of your mother or father? With you, they renew their youth and enjoy a new spring of life

And this is exactly what you will also experience in your heir when you are old

Then you will look out the windows of your old age and see the good old days clearly before you in the face of your son, as soft as an eyelash, without wrinkles

But if you find there is no need for you to live in the memory of people or time, you only have to spend your life single and thus you will die and your beauty will be buried with you, and that will be your end.




By: Ahmad Ashry

By: Ahmad Ashry

Ahmed Ashry .. An English teacher and trainer .. A Member of the International Translators Association .. A Lecturer and trainer of self-development and human relations .. Interested in blogging to enrich the global content and humanitarian assistance .

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