| 4th Lecture ( syllable words ) -->
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Phonetics --> 4th Lecture ( syllable words )

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Phonetics --> 4th Lecture

One syllable words

         Grammatical words                   content (picture) words
Article      preposition    pronoun         verb     noun     adj     adv
a/an/the    in/of/on/at     he-we-they     write    book    good  well
           unstressed                                         stressed
At the beginning of a sentence , the strong form is used.
          e.g.    -us ® /^ s/                          - do ® /du:/
                   -are ® /a:r/                        - be ® /bi:/
-was ® /wDz/                    - has ® /hæz/
     -Singer ® /sIηr /              -anger  ® /æηgr/

Clear and dark  /1/

- Clear / l / : e.g. let /like
- dark / l / : e.g. fool / consult

Linking /r/

- turn
- teacher
-Never again
- teacher or English ® /r/ ® linking /r/
Syllabic /l/ , /n/
- little         ® /lItl/ or / lItl /
- apple        ® /æpl/ or  /æpl/
- listen        ® /lIs n/  or  /lIsn/

Alteration = change

- right  place ® /raIp  pleIs/
- white  bird ® /waIp  b3:d/
- hard  path ®/ha:rb  pa:q /
- good  boy ® /gÈb  bÉI/
- good  morning /gÈb  mÉ:nIη/
- ten    men ® /tem  men/
- plant  pot ® /pla:mp  pDt/
- plant  carrots ® /pla:ηk  kærts/
- stand  back ® /stæmb  bæk/
- stand  guard ® /stæηg  ga:rd/
-nice  shoes ® /naIò  òu:z/
-this  year ® /dIò    jI/
-those  shops ®/dÈ3   òDps/
-where's  yours ® /we3   jÉ:z/

Disappearance : the omission of sounds.          *st / ft with stop , friction and nasal .

Examples :
-last time ® /la:s  taIm/
-fast bus ® /fa:s  b^s/
-west side ® /wes  saId/
-best friend ® /bes  frend/
-best man ® /bes mæn/
-first night ® /f3:s  naIt /
-lift boy ® / lIf  bÉI/
-stuffed chicken ® /st^f   tòIkIn/
-left shoe ® /lef   òu:/
-soft mattress ®/sDf  mætrs/
-left knee ® /lef   ni:/

*md and nd with nasal and weak stop (voiced).Examples :

-Skimmed milk ® /skIm  mIlk/
-He seemed nice ®/hi:   si:m   naIs/
-It seemed good ® /It  si:m  gÈd/
-He climbed back ® /hi:   klaIm  bæk/
-Blind man ® /blaIn   mæn/
-Kind nurse ® /kaIn  n3:s/
-Tinned beans ® /tIn  bi:nz/
-Stand guard ® / stæn  ga:rd/
**وهناك كلمات تنطق بطريقتين وهم :
-often ®/Dfn/ or /Dftn/
-kindness ® / kaInnIs / or / kaIndnIs /
-asked ® /a:skt/ or /a:st/
-clothes ® /klÈz/ or /klÈqz/

two consonants  لا تنطق إذا انحصرت ما بين   / t / , / d /

Examples :
- locked car ® /lDk    k a:/
- strict parents® /strIk  pernts /
- handsome ® /hænsm/
- castle ® /ka:sl/
- postman ® /pÈsmæn / OR /pÈsmn/



By: Ahmad Ashry

By: Ahmad Ashry

Ahmed Ashry .. An English teacher and trainer .. A Member of the International Translators Association .. A Lecturer and trainer of self-development and human relations .. Interested in blogging to enrich the global content and humanitarian assistance .

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