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Learn weather in Arabic language

Learn weather in Arabic language

    We are happy when we communicate in a foreign language. We are proud of ourselves and our progress in learning. On the other hand, if we don't succeed, we get angry or frustrated. Therefore, different emotions are associated with learning. New studies have come up with some interesting results. They show that emotions play a role in learning. Because our emotions affect our success in learning. Learning is always a "problem" for our brains. And you want to solve this problem. Whether it succeeds or not depends on our emotions. If we believe we can solve the problem, we have confidence. 

    This emotional stability helps us learn. Positive thinking improves our intellectual abilities. On the other hand, learning under stress does not work as well. Doubt or anxiety makes it difficult to perform well. We learn poorly when we are afraid. In this case, our brain cannot store the new content very well. Therefore, it is important to always be motivated to learn. Therefore, emotions affect learning. But learning also affects our emotions! The same brain structures that process events process feelings, too. So learning can make you happy, and those who are happy learn better. Of course, learning isn't always fun. It can also be boring. This is why we should always set ourselves small goals. This way we will not tire our minds. We guarantee that we can meet our expectations. So our success is a bonus that pays us back. So: learn something and smile while you do it!



By: Ahmad Ashry

By: Ahmad Ashry

Ahmed Ashry .. An English teacher and trainer .. A Member of the International Translators Association .. A Lecturer and trainer of self-development and human relations .. Interested in blogging to enrich the global content and humanitarian assistance .

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