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What could you do to improve yourself?

What could you do to improve yourself?
What could you do to improve yourself?

What could you do to improve yourself?

Well, let's step one step backwards. The first question might be: Why should you even bother improving yourself? And I think the answer to that is something like so you don't suffer anymore stupidly than you have to. And maybe so others don't have to either. It's something like that. You know, like, there is a real adjunction at the bottom of it. It's not some casual self-help doctrine, it's that if you don't organize yourself properly: you'll pay for it in a big way. And so will the people around you. And you can say: 'Well, I don't care about that!' but that's actually not true, you actually DO care about that.
Because if you're in pain you will care about it. And so you DO care about it even if it's just that negative way, you know. It's very rare that you can find someone who is in excruciating pain who would ever say 'Well, it would be no better if I was out of this!' This sort of pain is one of those  things that brings the idea that it would be better if it didn't exist along with it. It's incontrovertible. So you get your act together so that there isn't any more stupid pain around you that necessary. So then the question might be: how would you go about getting your act together? And the answer to that - - and this is a phenomenological idea, too .
 it's something like: Look around for something that bothers you and see if you can fix it. So now you think, well... Let's say you go into... You can do this in a room, it's quite fun to do it. Just when you're sitting in a room - maybe your bedroom - you can sit there and just sort of meditate on it and think: 'Okay, if I wanted to spend ten minutes making this room better, what would I have to do?' And you have to ask yourself that. It's not a command, it's like a genuine question. And things will pop out in the room like there's a stack of papers over there that's kind of bugging you and you know that maybe a little order there would be a good thing. There's some rubbish behind your computer monitor that you haven't attended to for like six months. The room would be slightly better if it was a little less dusty and the cables weren't all tangled up the same way.
If you allow yourself just to consider the expanse in which you exist at that moment there will be all sorts of things that pop out in it that you could just fix. And you know I might say well, if you were coming to see me for psychotherapy the easiest thing for us to do first would just be to get you to organize your room You think: 'Well, is that psychotherapy?' And the answer is: it depends on how you conceive the limits of your being. And I would say: start where you can start! You know, if something announces itself to you - which is a strange way of thinking about it - as 'in need of repair' that you COULD repair then, hey! Fix it! You fix a hundred things like that, your life will be a lot different.
What could you do to improve yourself?
Now, I often tell people too: fix the things you repeat every day. Because people tend to think of those as trivial. You get up, you brush your teeth, you have your breakfast... You have your routines that you go through every day. Those probably constitute fifty percent of your life! And people think: 'They are mundane, I don't need to pay attention to them.' No, no, that's exactly wrong. The things you do every day: those are the most important things you do. Hands down, all you have to do is do the arithmetic. You figured out right away.
So, a hundred adjustments to your broader domain of being and there's a lot less rubbish around a lot fewer traps for you to step into. And so that's in keeping with Jung's idea about erasing the this... Once you got your mind and your emotions together and once you're acting that out, then you can extend what you are willing to consider your self and start fixing up the things that are part of your broader extend.
Now, sometimes you don't know how to do that. Imagine you are walking down blur street and there is this guy who is alcoholic and schizophrenic and has been on the streets for ten years. He sort of stumbles towards you and incoherently mutters something. That's a problem! And it would be good if you could fix it but you haven't got a clue about how to fix THAT. You just walk around that and go find something that you could fix because if you muck about in that, not only is it unlikely that you'll help that person, it's VERY likely that you'll get hurt yourself! Just because you're experiencing things announce themselves as in need of repair doesn't mean that it's YOU right then and there that should repair them. You have to have some humility. You don't walk up to a helicopter that isn't working and just start tinkering away with it. You have to stay within your domain of competence but most of the time, if people look at their lives...
You know - it's a very interesting thing to do. I like the idea of the room because you can do that at the drop of a hat. Go back to where you live and sit down and think: 'Okay, I'm gonna make this place better for half an hour - what should I do?' You have to ASK and things will just pop up like mad and it's partly because your mind is a very strange thing and as soon as you give it an aim - a genuine aim - it'll reconfigure the world in keeping with that aim. That's actually how you see to begin with. So if you set it a task... You have to be genuine about it which is why you have to bring your thoughts and emotions together and then you have to get them in your body so you're acting consistently. You have to be genuine about the aim but once you aim the world will reconfigure itself around that aim, which is very strange. It's technically true!
                                                    The best example of that - you have all seen this video where you watch the basketballs being tossed back and forth between members of the white team versus the black team and while you are doing that a gorilla walks up into the middle of the video and you don't see it. If you thought about that experiment for about five years, that would be about the right amount of time to spend thinking about it. Because what it shows you is that you see what you aim at. And that - man! - if you can get one thing through your head as a consequence of even being in university THAT would be a good one: You see what you aim at. And so, because one inference you might draw from that is: Be careful what you aim at! Right? What you aim at determines the way the world manifests itself to you
So if the world is manifesting itself in a very negative way one thing to ask is: Are you aiming at the right thing? You know I'm not trying to reduce everybody's problems to an improper aim. People get cut off at the knees for all sorts of reasons. They get sick, they have accidents. There's a random element to being, that's for sure, but - You don't want to take anything, even that particular phrase, too far You want to bind it with the fact that random things do happen to people. But it's still a great thing to ask.
Warren Buffett one thing the more you learn the more you earn that That is so true? Look at successful people like Bill Gates Steve jobs Elon Musk oprah Mark Cuban and any other highly successful human They are successful because they use their time right they are successful because they are lifetime Learners they commit to learning new things every single day Warren buffett one of the wealthiest humans on the planet is famous for reading more than [5] hours every day Bill Gates read one book per week mark Cuban three hours a day Oprah well, she's just obsessed with books Notice the common theme here successful people never stop learning Think about this you have eighty six thousand and four hundred dollars to spend every single day But when the day is over the money disappears you can't give back when you try to spend all of the money Before they disappear when [you] try to use [it] wife Using assess you cool the sad part is we only have 86,400 seconds a day and most people take this time for Greg most people let this time Disappear without a second stop we'll never get this time back. We must use it wise we must be productive
What could you do to improve yourself?

We must use our time to do things [we] [enjoy] You to set up our life, so we could spend our futures doing more things We wanted instead of wasting your time or meaningless things you to learn new things The time you spend playing video games or partying with your friends will never come [back] once you use that time it's gone forever Use your time wisely read book Study hard and learn as much as you can Most people give up on their dreams because it gets too hard a lot of students stop chasing their dreams Because of one failed test [a] matter of fact most students don't even try their [best] when they take the test Because in their mind they have already failed the test They [stopped] believing in themselves and wants to believe [them] killed the dream is kill if you have a dream You must do everything to make it into reality. [it] doesn't matter how many times you fail a test never stop believing in yourself [light] itself is a 10 Sometimes you will fail.
 The only way you could be a failure is if you stop trying Whatever dream you 
had use all your energy to make it into reality Push yourself to become the person you are destined [to] become If you want to get results you have never got before you are going to have to do things you have never done before The richest man in the world Bill gates was once asked which superpower [he] would like [to] have The richest man in the world said that he would want the ability [to] read books faster Success is not about the money the fame or the big house. It's about becoming the best version of yourself You will fall down many times on the road to success But the most important thing is that you get back to get back up strong and why then before? create a mindset that does not allow you to quit or stop believing if you quit [our] [industry] and give up you'll never know how great you'll Never doubt you sir Now kills more dreams than failure everywhere.


Also read :A smart Cat


By: Ahmad Ashry

By: Ahmad Ashry

Ahmed Ashry .. An English teacher and trainer .. A Member of the International Translators Association .. A Lecturer and trainer of self-development and human relations .. Interested in blogging to enrich the global content and humanitarian assistance .

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