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Self-development and Self-confidence

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Self-development and Self-confidence

Self-development and Self-confidence

Self-development skills are those that help us to carry out our activities and carry out the tasks and tasks required of us in a better and more effective manner, while reducing the effort and time required to implement them. Thus, with self-development and the necessary skills, we are able to adapt to the circumstances surrounding us, both in personal and professional life in an easier, less complex, more flexible and streamlined manner.

There are a lot of skills that can be included under the category of self-development skills, from self-confidence to effective communication to using the Internet in a professional way that enables us to employ it to improve the quality of life we ??live, and even things like choosing healthy foods can be classified under this type of skills. In the following lines we will learn about the most important and most important skills of self-development and how you can acquire them properly and employ them to achieve more effectiveness and productivity in your life in various aspects.

The most important skills of self-development and self-confidence to build your personality

1. Time management and organization
You will not realize the importance of this skill of self-development if you do not imagine yourself busy dozens and perhaps hundreds of stories of work and tasks that you must complete as soon as possible, and your phone is burdened with hundreds of notifications, messages and dozens of emails waiting for you to respond and all of you have to do in a short time of your day.

If you know how to organize your time and manage things according to priorities and based on your time, you will be isolated from all this mess.

2 - Good Listening Good listening and listening to others are also important skills for those who want to develop themselves and upgrade the character that they have, and you can imagine the importance of this skill if you know what you will lose when you do not listen to others and what they say, one of them may offer you a solution to the problem you are facing or help On the development of the project you are working on by talking to you. This skill can be learned by practicing, observing and listening to others as they speak and over time you will find yourself a good listener.
3 - permanent learning
The most important thing that can contribute to the development and development of our personalities is the continuity of learning, therefore, the ability to learn is one of the most important skills of personal development as well as the role of this skill in enhancing self-confidence based on our expertise and knowledge in our field or non-field, and thus remain confident in ourselves On our experience and knowledge.

This skill can be practiced through permanent learning in your field, such as attending relevant educational and training courses, reading books that you find useful, or even following videos and websites on specific aspects and areas you can learn from.

4 - Communication skills
Many skills can be included under the name of communication skills, such as speaking, listening, presenting, writing letters, emails, body language, etc. are all essential skills in any field you work, even if your job requires a computer screen interview all the time it is necessary to Know how to receive and send messages to whoever you want and how to get your idea to the person on the other end away from misunderstanding or sending the message to the wrong person,

5 - Positive
One of the important skills if you want to develop your personality is to learn how to be positive with yourself and others around you, talk in a positive way, make positive suggestions and solutions, and encourage people around you to deal with life in a positive way. Positively those. Especially in the darkness and melancholy atmosphere that surrounds many around us.

6-Critical Thinking
Whether you are analyzing user data in your company, studying students, or even repairing your home's heating system, critical thinking is a necessary self-development skill in all of these situations, so you can understand the problem or topic correctly. Think of it the right way and then reach the right solution to the problem. As well as the importance of this skill in creative thinking and the generation of ideas, brainstorming, problem solving, data analysis and so on.

7 - Flexibility
Today, the circumstances around us are constantly changing and faster than we can imagine. Human resource managers and managers are always looking for the kind of staff who are flexible enough to adapt quickly to different variables. Or circumstances you may encounter.

8 - Teamwork
This skill is sometimes categorized as communication skills. In any case, it is necessary to add them to this list of self-development skills because all work environments today projects are working collectively and require that individuals be able to work as a team and communicate and cooperate with each other in the best way to achieve the best results of their work.

9 - Negotiation and persuasion
Whether you want to persuade your manager to give you a promotion or a salary bonus, or even if you want to persuade your children to finish their homework first and then pay attention to play later, persuasion and negotiation skills are key to success in such a development. Attitudes. Be sure to possess these skills and learn how to use them properly to reach an advanced level of personal development and enhancement skills.

10-Self - confidence
Although it is important to be self-confident in different situations, it has been added to the end of the list because self-confidence depends mainly on the previous skills we have mentioned. From doing the tasks and jobs required of you in the best way.

Thus, we have identified 10 of the most important skills of self-development and character-building, so that these skills, when mastered properly to a more active and productive career and personal life. In addition to helping you reach your goals and achieve the success you seek. And don't forget to share the article with your friends for the benefit.



By: Ahmad Ashry

By: Ahmad Ashry

Ahmed Ashry .. An English teacher and trainer .. A Member of the International Translators Association .. A Lecturer and trainer of self-development and human relations .. Interested in blogging to enrich the global content and humanitarian assistance .

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