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How not to feel foreign when you live in a foreign country

 How not to feel foreign when you live in a foreign country

How not to feel foreign when you live in a foreign country
 How not to feel foreign when you live in a foreign country

Lifestyles of foreign countries

Is this what I should call Croatia, a foreign country?

I am happy to live in Croatia. There is nothing I can do to change this lifestyle. It's been a roller coaster ride for many years and sometimes I think horseback riding has taught me a lot.

When I look at the rest of the world, I think how lucky I am to live here. Living in a foreign country is not easy. People change all the time, we have taken the world by storm, and yet everything in my life seems to be going well.

I walked away from everything in my life and sacrificed everything to create this sleepy life that I lived. I don't regret what I left behind, life is just that.

Life is taken for granted or not thought at all before making decisions that can cause insanity. Well, I don't feel like a foreigner living in a foreign country. People consider me a foreigner, but I don't feel like it.

I am part of a small community and love my life. I spend every day the way I want and talk to people when I want. Life here is different, but I cleaned up my life and lived for my happiness. You can live in a foreign country and live as you wish. At first, I felt lonely, sad, and different.

The best things come to those who wait. You need to focus on what makes you happy. Connect with the locals and get on with your life. In the process, consider your own meaning in life.

Find a home to live in. Don't shy away from conversations. Meet local people and create a friendly community through daily chats.

The situation changes when you realize that people have approached you. You start a new life with different people in your life. Don't be afraid to let other interested people into your life. When you stabilize, everything seems fine again.

How not to feel foreign when you live in a foreign country
How not to feel foreign when you live in a foreign country

Don't feel like a stranger in your foreign country. I know what it means to live in a foreign country and feel like a foreigner.

There is a way to build your life and be who you are.

A role to play and you have both cultures in your life.

You are getting better in this life as you progress each day.

Make friends and have an open mind about life.

Approach each day with a smile.

An experience that increases your chances of living a different lifestyle.

You make everything possible in your adventures.

Do not forget that you belong to a foreign country because you belong to the country of your birth. You have the same rights as any other citizen. Over time, you grow and learn with the locals that you also have a place.

In your heart, do not feel left out of duties. Discover the new culture and take part in the events. It's different, but you can go out and meet people. The process seems difficult when you don't make an effort to meet people.

Participate in groups and share your opinions and stories. International people should not avoid mixing with the local population. You should be part of a local community, instead of focusing on mingling with foreigners, do your best and mingle with the locals.

Most of the locals are open to the idea of ​​meeting foreigners.

I've noticed locals and know there are introverts and extroverts. It's nothing to isolate yourself from others, you can be that way or expose yourself and get on with your life. Be ready to share your life with different people.

In a different culture, that would seem unheard of.

In my opinion, living in a foreign country and trying not to feel foreign when living in a foreign country was not easy. It depends on the person and not on what other people think of you.

Get comfortable in a foreign country by focusing on yourself. Discover the new country with a local guide. Discover a new culture. Communication is essential when you are in a foreign country.

Contact the inhabitants and communicate with them for any necessary information. It is necessary to build a support network to seek advice. Learn everything you need to know from the start of your stay there. If you are in a foreign country to learn a foreign language, it is a process.

The language may or may not be the problem. Often there is something that will lead to a relapse. If so, learn from your mistakes. It sounds fun to chat with international people like you, but it won't allow you to do what's best for you. You speak the same language and it would be better to be international, but it would not be the best option.

More importantly, you need a local circle of friends. Don't focus on mixing with strangers. You need to find out what changed your life and bring it into your life from a different angle.

Try new adventures to make your life happier and more creative. To forget about home, go out and find what suits you best. Find out what you can do in your new country. An opportunity to get to know each other.

Spend time with new friends, explore new cities, try different activities and get to know your new neighborhood. Put aside feelings of nostalgia. That doesn't mean you won't feel nostalgic, but at least that won't be the main focus of nostalgia.

Avoid loneliness, have easy conversations with the locals. Don't put yourself in this situation to feel out of place or isolated from the local community. There will be pressure, adjustments have to be made.
I don't think it's like coming home. A foreign country has a lot to offer and is different from your hometown. Your decision to move to a foreign country can be hasty or well planned.

Prepare for what you haven't experienced in a foreign country. It doesn't matter which how-to guide you read or who told you something that makes you feel less stressed.

There is nothing better than moving and living in a foreign country for the first time. They also don't know the culture or the language. Your first step and you want everything to be perfect. Don't look for perfection, you won't find it.

Be patient!

It is up to you to establish your domicile in a foreign country. When you start meeting people and enjoying your life and experiences in a foreign country, one day you will realize that you have achieved your goals. You become independent, you know what the locals are doing and you go on with your life. Fresh starts are harder and can only get better later.



By: Ahmad Ashry

By: Ahmad Ashry

Ahmed Ashry .. An English teacher and trainer .. A Member of the International Translators Association .. A Lecturer and trainer of self-development and human relations .. Interested in blogging to enrich the global content and humanitarian assistance .

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