Great Expectations
by: Charles Dickens
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens |
Very short summary for secondary schools, then a long summary and analysis for the novel.
Great Expectations can be broken down into three stages in a pip's life. The first stage introduces Pip as an orphan raised by a mean sister who resents her and her husband, who offers her kindness and love. While visiting his parents' headstones at the cemetery, Pip encounters a convict and is forced to bring him food and a file the next day. Convict Pip and the second convict are captured by the Crown Troopers and returned to the Prison Ships (Hulks).
Uncle Pumblechook arranges for Pip to go play at Miss Havisham's, and there he meets Bastila and falls in love with her. Pip returns to Miss Havisham's to walk around the decaying banquet table every day for around 10 months. Miss Havisham Pip rewards him for his service by paying for his apprenticeship to become a blacksmith with Joe.
Pep is unhappy with his position and aspires to be a gentleman until he finally wins Estella's affections. One day, the lawyer Mr. Jaggers comes to tell Pip that a benefactor has bequeathed him a fortune. Pep goes to London to become a gentleman. Pip thinks the donor is Miss Havisham.
The second phase of Pip's life takes place in London, where he befriends Herbert Puckett. The two young men are living beyond their means and are deeply in debt. Pip befriends the writer of Mr. Jaggers, Mr. Wemmick, and enjoys visiting him at his castle. Pip is informed of Miss Havisham's background and her fateful wedding day. He is also embarrassed to visit Joe. An unexpected visit from the convict reveals that the convict, not Miss Havisham, is his benefactor. The boy's name is Magwitch. It was him that Pep brought him to eat in the cemetery. This knowledge begins to change in Pip, moving from a haughty arrogance to the humility associated with Joe and his house.
The third stage of Pip's life solves all the remaining mysteries of the novel. Compison, the second defendant who was an enemy of Majewicz, drowned when Pip tried to help Majewicz escape from London. Pip finds out who Estella's mother and father are. Pip is saved from Orlick. Magwich died in prison and Pep became a clerk in Cairo with Herbert. He returns 11 years later to find Estella on the Maison Satis site. The most popular ending indicated that they stayed together.
توقعات عظيمة أو توقعات كبرى (بالإنجليزية: Great Expectations) هي رواية لتشارلز ديكنز نشرت لأول مرة مسلسلة بدأ من عام 1860 م، ثم نشرت كاملة في 1861 م. وتعد من أحسن أعمال ديكنز وواحدة من أكثر رواياته شعبية، وتم تجسيدها على المسرح والشاشة أكثر من 250 مرة.
تتبع الرواية نمط الرواية التكوينية، حيث يتتبع الكاتب قصة رجل أو أمراة في سعيها للنضج، عادة من مرحلة الطفولة وحتى تبلغ أشدها. تتحدث الآمال الكبرى عن قصة بيب، الطفل اليتيم، من طفولته المبكرة وحتى بلوغه ومحاولته لإدراك النبل أثناء مسيرته تلك. وتجري أحداثها من عشية عيد الميلاد عام 1812 م، عندما كان بطل القصة في السابعة من عمره، وحتى شتاء 1840 م. ويمكن اعتبار الرواية قصة شبه ذاتية للكاتب، على غرار الكثير من أعماله، يستقي فيها من خبرته في الحياة ومع الناس.
نشرت الراوية لأول مرة مسلسلة في مجلة على مدار العام «All the Year Round» البريطانية من 1 ديسمبر 1860 إلى أغسطس 1861 م. وقد نُشر في كل مرة فصلين من القصة، وكان المؤلف يترك قرائه متشوقين لمعرفة ما سيأتي ولكنه في نفس الوقت يرضي فضوله. ونشرت الرواية كاملة لأول مرة في يوليو 1861 م.
ملخص قصة Great Expectations الامال الكبرى
تبدأ الرواية بزيارة ” بيب ” بطل الرواية إلي قبر ابويه ويقابل سجين هارب ويطلب منه أن يحضر له في اليوم التالي بعض الطعام ومبرد حديدي ؛ وبالفعل يحضر ” بيب ” المطلوب منه ويلجأ لسرقة الطعام من بيت اخته التي كان يسكن معها وزوجها ” جون”.
يحصل ” بيب” علي دعوة من الآنسة “هافيشام” للعب في بيتها، والتي عُرفت بأطوارها الغريبة . كانت ترتدي ثياب العرس بالرغم من إنها عجوز طاعنة في السن وكان لهذا سبب واضح من إنها تم الغدر بها من شخص وعدها بالزواج وخلي بها لذا صارت حزينة واحتفظت بكل مراسم العرس من ثياب حتي الساعة توقفت عند الساعة التي اعلن فيها تركها بعد أن استولي علي أموالها. تعرف علي ” استلا” والتي كانت في نفس سنه الصغير ولكنها كانت مغرورة ومتعجرفة وفيما بعد تبين أن ” استلا” قد تبنتها السيدة ” هافيشام” لتسليها في وحدتها.
كانت أكبر أمنية لـ ” بيب” حينها هو أن يعمل صبي حداد في ورشة ” جو ” – زوج اخته –وبالفعل تم تحقيق الحلم، ولكن ” بيب” الصغير لم يشعر بالسعادة قط من هذه المهنة. فقد شعر من معاملة “استلا” له إنه من الطبقة العامة التي لا تجيد التعامل اللبق مع الغير . شعر ” بيب” حينها أن حصوله علي مهنة صبي حداد في ورشة ليست هي الغاية. كان ” بيب” يجيد القليل من القرائة والكتابة.
جاءت الفرصة لـ ” بيب” علي طبق من فضة فقد تبرع إحد المحسنين لكي يصبح ” بيب” – جنتلمان- وحصل علي مبلغ من المال ليسافر إلي لندن ليتعلم هناك وبالفعل تعلم واصبح رجل له مكانه ولكن تأتي الرياح بما لا تشتهي السفن فقد احب ” بيب” ” استلا” ولكن لم تكن هي تبادله نفس الشعور وعاش في وهم أن الانسة ” هافيشام” هي المحسن الحقيقي الذي صرفت عليه لكي يتعلم ويصبح – جنتلمان – ولكن انكشفت الحقيقة أن المحسن الحقيقي هو ذاك الرجل – السجين الهارب- الذي قدم له يوماً ما ..الطعام والمبرد الحديدي لكي يبرد الاغلال عن يده وما كان منه إلا أن يرد الجميل لهذا الصبي – بيب- الصغير.
تدور الأحداث ويعرف ” بيب” أن السجين الهارب هذا هو نفسه والد ” استلا” و أن أمها تعمل خادمة عند المحامي الذي كان الوسيط بينه وبين والداها الذي قدم له العون في استكمال تعليمة ولكن ” استلا” عاشت طيلة حياتها تجهل امها وابيها . اتهمت ام ” استلا” بالقتل فقد قتلت عشيقة والداها ودخلت والسجن وحكم عليها بالبرائة وعملت عند المحامي الذي ترافع عنها.
مات الرجل المحسن علي ” بيب ” والذي كان يدعي ” ماجويتش” بعد صراع للهرب بمعاونة ” بيب” واصدقائه ولكن تفشل خطة الهروب فشل ذريع ويلقي حتفه في مستشفي السجن.
تتزوج ” استلا” من رجل غني ولكنها تحيا حياة بائسة وتتزوج للمرة الثانية ولكنها لا تنعم بالسعادة برغم الثراء التي تتمتع به وفي نهاية المطاف يقابل ” بيب” ” استلا” بالصدفة بعد سنوات كثيرة في بيت العجوز- هافيشام- التي رحلت متأثرة بحروقها وآلت كل الثروة من بعدها لـ ” استلا”.
شعرت ” استلا” بالآســـي والحزن وفوات العمر دون فائدة فقد ضيعت حب ” بيب” الصادق وكانت ضحية تلك العجوز التي حولتها لصاحبة قلب بارد كي تنتقم من كل الرجال بسبب هذا الرجل الذي تركها في يوم عرسها.
Great Expectations by: Charles Dickens
Great Expectations is the story of Pip, an orphan boy adopted by the Haddad family, who is lucky and has high expectations, but then loses his luck and his expectations. Through these ups and downs, Pep learns to find happiness. He learns the meaning of friendship and the meaning of love and of course he becomes a better person for her.
The story begins with the narrator, Pep, introducing himself and describing the much younger Pep as he looks at his parents' tombstones. This quivering little boy is suddenly afraid of a man in a prison uniform. The man tells Pip that if she wants to live he will come down to her house and bring her some food and a coil to tie her leg.
Pip runs for her sister, Mrs. Joe Gragerie, and her adoptive father, Joe Gragerie. Mrs. Jo is a boisterous, angry and upset woman who constantly reminds Pip and her husband Joe of the struggles she went through to raise Pip and take care of the family. Pip finds relief in these protests in Joe, who is more his equal than a father figure, and unites them under a common oppression.
Pip steals the food and ham pie from the pantry shelf and a file from Joe's Forge and returns them to the escaped convict the next morning. Soon after, Pip saw the man being held back by the soldiers and soon the whole event faded from his young mind.
Mrs. Jo returns home one evening, very excited, and announces that Pip will play a "play" for Miss Havisham, "a rich, filthy woman who lived in a big shabby house."
Pip is taken to Miss Havisham's house, a mansion called "Satis House", where the sun never shines. She meets a girl her age, Estella, who "was very pretty and seemed very proud." Pip falls in love with her instantly and will love her for the rest of the story. She then meets Miss Havisham, a thin yellow old lady in an old wedding dress. Miss Havisham looks even happier when Estella insults Pip's rough hands and big shoes while she plays.
Pip feels insulted, but thinks something is wrong with him. He swears to change, to become unknown, to become a gentleman.
Pip continues to visit Estella and Miss Havisham for eight months and learns more about their strange lives. Miss Havisham leads him to a large banquet hall where there is a table with food and a large wedding cake. But the food and cake are years old and intact except for a variety of mice, beetles and spiders crawling freely around the room. Everyone comes near her to see her on the same day of the year: her birthday and her wedding day, the day the cake was delivered and the clocks stopped many years ago; This is the day Miss Havisham died.
Pip begins to dream about what life would be like if he were a rich man. This dream ends when Miss Havisham asks Pip to take Joe to visit him so that he can start his contract as a blacksmith. Miss Havisham gives Jo twenty-five pounds for Pip's favor and takes her leave.
Pip explains his misery to his readers: shame of his house, shame of his business. He wants to be extraordinary, he wants to be a gentleman. He wants to be part of the environment he tasted at the Manor.
Early in her plan, Lady Jo was found unconscious, knocked over by an unknown assailant. She suffered severe brain damage, losing much of her voice, hearing, and memory. In addition, she "her nerves have improved a lot and she has been patient." To help with the housework and take care of Mrs. Joe, Bedi, a young orphan friend of Pip's, moves into the house.
The years pass quickly. It's Pip's fourth year as an apprentice and he's sitting with Joe at the bar when a stranger approaches them. Pip recognized him and "the smell of soap" as a man she had once met at Miss Havisham years earlier.
Back home, the man, Jaggers, explained that Pep now had "high expectations". He will receive a large monthly salary, led by Jaggers, who is a lawyer. But the donor does not want to know anything and it will remain a mystery.
Pep has an awkward evening with Pedi and Joe, and then they go to sleep. There, despite the realization of all his dreams, he feels very alone. Pip visits Miss Havisham, who subtly hints that she is an unknown protector to him.
Pip moves to London and meets Wemmick, Jagger's corrupt employee. Wemmick takes Pip to Bernard's Inn, where he will live for the next five years with Matthew Puckett's son Herbert, a cheerful young man who becomes one of Pip's best friends. From Herbert, Pepes discovers that Miss Havisham has adopted and raised Estella to take revenge on the male sex by making them fall in love with her and then break their hearts.
Pip has been invited to dinner at Wemmick's, whose motto seems to be "the office is one thing, privacy is another". In fact, Wemmick has a fictional private life. Although he lives in a small shack, the shack has been modified to look like a castle, complete with a moat, a drawbridge, and a gun cannon.
The next day, Jaggers himself invited Pip and his friends to dinner. Pip, at Wemmick's suggestion, took a closer look at Jagger's maid, a "tigress" according to Wemmick. He's in his forties and seems to view Jaggers with a mixture of fear and duty.
Pip returns to Satis's house to see Miss Havisham and Estella, now so much older and prettier that she didn't recognize her at first. Facing her now, he reverted to the "rough and vulgar voice" of her youth and treated him like the child he was hers instead. Pip sees something startlingly familiar in Estella's face. She couldn't quite tear her eyes away, but an expression on her face reminded him of someone.
Pip stays away from Joe and Biddy's ornate home, but wanders around town, enjoying the admiring glances he receives from his former neighbors.
Soon after, a letter to Pip announces the death of Mrs. Joe Gragerie. Pip returns home for the funeral. Later, Joe and Pepe sat warm by the fire as in the old days. Biddy points out that Pip won't be back anytime soon because he promises to do so and leaves a humiliation. Back in London, Pip asked Wemmick for advice on how to give Herbert part of his annual allowance without revealing his identity.
Narrator Pip describes his relationship with Estella when she lived in the city: “I suffered every kind and degree of torture that Estella could inflict on me,” he says. Pip discovers that Drummel, his nastiest acquaintance, has begun courting Estella.
Years have passed and Pip still lives the same lavish life of a wealthy young man in town. A sixty-year-old man in beachwear arrives at Pep's house one stormy night shortly after Pep's twenty-fourth birthday. Pip invites him in, treats him with polite contempt, but then begins to recognize him as the convict who fed him in the swamp as a child. The man reveals that Magwich is a donor for Pip. From the day Pep helped him, he swore to himself that every penny he earned would go to Pep.
"I made you a gentleman," shouted the man. Pep is terrified. All your expectations were demolished. No big deal designed by Miss Havisham to make Pip happy, rich, and live in a harmonious marriage with Estella.
The convict tells Pip that he saw him again under threat of death, as he will be executed by law if found in England. Pip is angry with him, but he wants to protect him and make sure he is not found and killed. Herbert and Pep decided that Pep would try to persuade Magewicz to leave England with him.
Maguich tells them the story of his life. From an early age, he was lonely and in trouble. During one of his brief stints out of prison, Majewicz met a wealthy young man named Compison who was involved in all things illegal: scams, forgeries, and other white-collar crimes. Compeyson recruits Magwitch to do his dirty work for him and Magwitch gets in trouble with the law. Magwich hates the guy. Herbert hands Pip a note telling her that Compison is the name of the man he left for Miss Havisham on her wedding day.
Pip returns to Satis House to find Miss Havisham and Estella in the same Valhalla. Pip collapses and confesses his love to Estella. Estella frankly tells him that she is incapable of love - she has already warned him - and that she will marry Drummel soon.
Back in London, Wimake tells Pep what he learned from the prisoners at Newgate. He says Pep is being watched and could be in danger. Additionally, Compeyson has announced its presence in London. Wemmick also warned Herbert. In response to the warning, Herbert Maguich hid in the house of his fiancée Clara.
Pip has dinner with the Jaggers and Wemmick at Jaggers. Over dinner, Pip finally notices the similarities between Estella and the Jaggers' butler. Jagger's maid is Estella's mother!
On the way home together, Wimick tells the story of Jagger's maid. It was the Jaggers' first major hacking case, and the one that did. I was defending this woman in a case where she was accused of strangling another woman. The woman also allegedly killed her child, a daughter, around the same time as the murder.
Miss Havisham asks Pip to visit her. He finds her sitting by the fire, but this time she looks very lonely. Pip tells him that he has given some of his money to help Herbert in his future, but that he now has to stop because he himself is not accepting any more money from his benefactor. Miss Havisham wants help and gives Pip nine hundred pounds to help Herbert. Then Labib apologizes. Pip tells her that he has already been forgiven and that he needs to forgive himself so much that he cannot forgive others.
Pip wanders around the garden and then returns to find Miss Havisham on fire! Pep puts out the fire and gets badly burned in the process. The doctors come and announce that she will live.
Pip returns home and Herbert tends to his burns. Herbert spent time with Clara's Magwitch and was told the whole story of Magwitch. Magwich was the husband of a tigress, Jagger's maid. The woman went to see Majewicz the day she killed the other woman and told him she was going to kill her son and that Majewic would never see her. And Magwich never did. He gathers Pip and tells Herbert that Magwitch is Estella's father.
It's time to get rid of Magwitch. Herbert and Pip get up the next morning and begin canoeing in the river, picking up Magwich on time. They are yards from a steamer they hope to get on when another boat stops to stop them. In confusion, Pip sees Compison leading the other ship, but the steamer is above it. Steam crushes Pip's boat, Compeyson and Magwitch disappear underwater, and Pip and Herbert end up in some sort of police boat. Finally, Magwich is out of the water. He and Compison fought for a while, but Magwich let him go and presumably drowned. Once again, Majewicz was handcuffed and arrested.
Magwich is in jail and very ill. Pip helps a sick Magwitch in prison every day. One day, Pip whispers to him that the girl he thinks is completely dead is alive. "She is a very beautiful woman," says Pep. "and I love him." Maguich renounces the ghost.
Pep has had a fever for about a month. Creditors and Joe drift in and out of their dreams and reality. In the end, he comes to his senses to see that Joe has actually been there the whole time, and restores him to his health. Jo tells her that Miss Havisham died during her illness, and Estella left almost everything and much to Matthew Puckett. Joe sneaks in one morning leaving only a note. Pip discovers that Joe has paid off all of his debts.
Pip agrees to come back to Joe, apologizes for everything he's done, and asks Biddy to marry him. Pip goes to Joe and actually finds happiness, but happiness belongs to Joe and Biddy. It's your wedding day. Pep wishes them all the best, and he really does, and apologizes for all their actions. They are fortunately abandoned.
Pip goes to work for Herbert's company and lives with Clara and Herbert, who are now married. Within a year, he became a partner. He pays his debts and works hard.
Eleven years later, Pep returns from work abroad. Joe and Bedi visit and meet his son, little Pep, sitting by the fire with Joe, just like Pep did years ago. Pep tells Bedi that he is the old stable bachelor, lives with Clara and Herbert and believes that he will never marry. However, he went to Satis House that night to think about the girl who ran away. There he meets Bastila. Dramel treated her harshly and recently passed away. She tells Pep that she learned to feel sad the hard way and now she seeks her forgiveness for what she did to him. The two walked out of the garden hand in hand and Pip saw "the shadow of her inseparability" from her.
Great Expectations Character List
The narrator as the protagonist of the story. Pip is an orphan raised by his sister Mrs. Joe Jargeri and her husband, Mr. Joe Jargerie Haddad.
Mrs. Joe Gargery
A bitter and angry woman lifts Pep "by hand". That is, he whips her whenever he can and complains about the burden placed on him by doing so.
Mr. Joe Gargery
A Kind of, if the forehead is conspicuous, mourning. Although in theory he is Pep's adoptive father, Pep considers him an equal and a friend. Joe is uneducated and maybe a little slow, but he understands the important things in life.
Mr. Wopsle
A church clerk who dreams of standing on the pulpit and preaching because he considers himself an excellent speaker. As it is, it becomes an actor.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubble
simple, silly people from the town of Pip. Mr. Hubble is a wheelwright.
Uncle Pumblechook
Uncle Joe, a wealthy corn merchant in town. He considers himself high class and is actually an idiot.
Mr. Wopsle's great aunt
The so-called city school operates from a country house. Old fool.
a kind, intelligent girl Pip's age who works for Mr. Wopsle's great aunt at the school. Later, she comes to work for Joe taking care of Mrs. Joe Gargery.
Miss Havisham
a strange, wrinkled up lady who never sees the sunlight and never gets out of her bridal gown. She's actually a very cold hearted, yet wealthy, lady who lives just outside the village in a the Satis House.
Miss Havisham's adopted daughter. Cold and very proud but very beautiful. She's about Pip's age and is the love of Pip's life.
Aging relatives of Miss Havisham who don't have an inch of love for the woman but are greedy for her money. They buzz around Miss Havisham like flies.
Sarah Pocket
Aging relatives of Miss Havisham who don't have an inch of love for the woman but are greedy for her money. They buzz around Miss Havisham like flies.
Cousin Raymond
Aging relatives of Miss Havisham who don't have an inch of love for the woman but are greedy for her money. They buzz around Miss Havisham like flies.
Aging relatives of Miss Havisham who don't have an inch of love for the woman but are greedy for her money. They buzz around Miss Havisham like flies.
a gruff evil man that Joe employs around the forge. He seems to hate just about everybody, but has a crush on Biddy.
Matthew Pocket
Miss Havisham's cousin, but not one of her relatives that is greedy. Matthew Pocket has charge of nine children, two nurses, and a pretty but useless wife. He also tutors young gentlemen, including Pip.
Herbert Pocket
Matthew's son. An extremely cheerful and honest boy about Pip's age. He become Pip's best friend in London.
rational and seemingly emotionless lawyer for Miss Havisham and for Pip. He is an excellent speaker and logician, however, and specializes in getting criminals light sentences.
Jaggers' stiff clerk by day, esoteric and generous man in private. Wemmick lives in a cottage he fashioned into a castle and fights to divide his public and private life. Wemmick becomes a good friend of Pip's (in private).
The "Aged"
Wemmick's elderly, and quite deaf, relative (of unknown relations). The Aged lives with Wemmick in his castle and is quite happy when you nod at him.
The "Avenger"
Pip's servant boy who Pip finds more of a nuisance than a help. Pip never has enough for him to do, so the Avenger always seems to be standing around.
another student and boarder of Matthew Pocket. He is a moody, disgruntled "spider" but comes from an upper-class family.
another student and boarder of Matthew Pocket. He is a good friend of Pip's.
Miss Skiffins
Wemmick's sweetheart.
Herbert secret sweetheart. She is secret because Herbert knows his mother would say she is below his "station." She's actually a sweet, fairy-like girl who takes care of her dying drunk of a father.
the convict that Pip helps at the beginning of the movie. He later returns as Pip's benefactor under the name of Provis. He is a rough ex-con, but seems to have a good heart.
Magwitch's mortal enemy and the other convict Pip saw in the marshes fighting with Magwitch. Compeyson is a gentlemanly swindler who was the fiancé that swindled Miss Havisham out of her heart.
تعمل Great Expectations على عدد من المستويات: كنقد للمجتمع الفيكتوري وكاستكشاف للذاكرة والكتابة. ومع ذلك ، ربما يكون الأهم من ذلك هو البحث عن هوية حقيقية. خلال سير الرواية ، أدرك بيب أن "توقعاته العظيمة" - المكانة الاجتماعية والثروة - أقل أهمية من الولاء والرحمة. كما لوحظت التوقعات العظيمة لمزيجها من الفكاهة والغموض والمأساة. في النهاية الأصلية للعمل ، لم يتم لم شمل Pip و Estella ، ولكن تم إقناع ديكنز بكتابة نتيجة أكثر سعادة.
حققت الرواية نجاحًا فوريًا عند نشرها في ستينيات القرن التاسع عشر. أشاد جورج برنارد شو به باعتباره "أكثر كتاب ديكنز مثاليًا." ألهمت Great Expectations العديد من التعديلات ، بما في ذلك فيلم مشهور عام 1946 أخرجه ديفيد لين.
Great Expectations operates on many levels: as a critique of Victorian society, and as an exploration of memory and writing. However, perhaps the most important thing is the search for a true identity. Throughout the novel, Pep realizes that his "high expectations"—social status and wealth—are less important than loyalty and compassion. He is also noted with great anticipation for his mix of humor, mystery and tragedy. In the original ending of the play, Pip and Estella do not meet again, but he convinces Dickens to write a happier ending.
The novel was an immediate success upon its publication in the 1860s, with George Bernard Shaw in particular praising it as Dickens's "most compact and complete book". Great Expectations has inspired many adaptations, including the popular 1946 film directed by David Lean.
Full Book Quiz
1-What is the name of Miss Havisham’s manor?
Satis House
Satyr House
2-In what region of England are the marshes of the novel found?
3-How old is Pip when Magwitch returns to his life?
4-In what publication was Great Expectations originally serialized?
Home and Away
The English Almanac
Simple Wisdom
All the Year Round
5-To what genre of fiction, defined by its depiction of a character’s growth from childhood to adulthood, does Great Expectations belong?
Victorian paternalism
6-Who is Pip’s tutor in London?
Harold Pocket
Walter Pocket
Herbert Pocket
Matthew Pocket
7-Who is Estella’s father?
8-What action does Jaggers perform obsessively?
He straightens his necktie.
He adjusts his hair.
He signs his name.
He washes his hands.
9-What is Pip’s reaction to Joe’s visit to him in London?
10-Who takes credit for Pip’s rise in social status?
Mrs. Joe
11-Who is responsible for the attack on Mrs. Joe?
12-For most of the novel, whom does Pip suspect of being his secret benefactor?
Miss Havisham
13-What name does Wemmick call his elderly father?
“Aged Parent”
“Venerable Ancestor”
“Decrepit Sire”
“Old Feller”
14-Who tells Pip that Compeyson was Miss Havisham’s fiancé?
15-What is Herbert’s nickname for Pip?
16-Where does Pip first encounter Magwitch?
The river
Mrs. Joe’s house
The smithy
The churchyard
17-Who is the “pale young gentleman”?
18-Whom does Estella marry?
19-Who buys Herbert’s way into business?
Miss Havisham
20-What happens to Compeyson at the end of the novel?
He escapes with the Havisham fortune.
He is shot by the police.
He is killed by Orlick.
He disappears and is presumed drowned.
21-Where does Estella live when she goes abroad?
22-What was the name of Miss Havisham’s brother, Compeyson’s first partner?
23-What accident befalls Miss Havisham before her death?
She is thrown from a horse.
She falls from a window.
A table crushes her legs.
She is burned in a fire.
24-What is the source of the Havisham fortune?
A cotton mill
A brewery
A noble estate
25-What name does Magwitch use to hide his identity?
Quo Vadis
Uncle Caveat
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