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Some factors that Philippines Is Different from others on the World


Some factors that  Philippines Is Different from  others on the World

The Philippines is one of many countries in the world. So it's not really "one of a kind." The country is no different than any other in that it consists of various communities, cultures and traditions. Some factors that make the Philippines different from other countries are a more prominent Christian influence and its colonial history.

 But nevertheless, some things are very similar to Filipinos. The country has a multicultural aspect with different ethnic groups such as Chinese, Indian, Spanish-Filipino and others sharing the same land space with each other today. Filipinos have also maintained their own religion called Christainity, despite the fact that they have been influenced by many other people. The country suffered political turmoil during various eras such as the "American regime," the "Japanese occupation," and most recently in 1972, when it experienced a widespread insurgency. In the Philippines, there are different cultural influences that push aside traditional practices of the Filipino community. The positive side of this is that there are many unique traditions for Filipinos to keep for themselves. However, there are some things which can be considered as cultural influence from foreign countries. One example is pag-ibig.



By: Ahmad Ashry

By: Ahmad Ashry

Ahmed Ashry .. An English teacher and trainer .. A Member of the International Translators Association .. A Lecturer and trainer of self-development and human relations .. Interested in blogging to enrich the global content and humanitarian assistance .

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