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Learn about shopping in Arabic

Learn about shopping in Arabic

One of the best ways to discover a country is to go shopping! Especially if you are traveling to the Middle East. Arabs are known for their negotiating skills and their behavior to satisfy the customer. Additionally, trading has been an important part of their culture for hundreds of years.
The brocante (market/flea market) is a special place in the Arab world. Here you will find vendors selling everything from fruits and vegetables to clothing, accessories and sometimes household items and furniture. In general, be prepared to negotiate and you will return more often. Undoubtedly, this is a great opportunity for you to practice your Arabic vocabulary. However, when you ask the question "How much does it cost?" (kam thaman haTHaa / How much did it cost?) Expect the seller to start at twice the expected price or more. You can always answer that they are expensive (ghaalee/expensive) and get them cheaper (rakheeS/cheap). Don't worry, the sellers are always ready to close the deal, so after agreeing on the price and offering cash, you'll both be happy.

However, compared to a street market where the price is flexible, you can always go to a convenience store (grocery/grocery) or store (grocery/store) where your food will have a fixed price. Then just order a bag (ʼureedu kees) and go home with your finds for the day.
In conclusion, shopping in Arabic is a great addition to your vocabulary, so continue the lesson to learn more.



By: Ahmad Ashry

By: Ahmad Ashry

Ahmed Ashry .. An English teacher and trainer .. A Member of the International Translators Association .. A Lecturer and trainer of self-development and human relations .. Interested in blogging to enrich the global content and humanitarian assistance .

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