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How to Write a Definition Essay ?

,How, to, Write, a Definition, Essay?
How to Write a Definition Essay ?

?How to Write a Definition Essay                               

?What is Definition Essay

Before asking How to write a definition essay?, we should know that a definition essay is an essay that gives the reader a detailed definition of a term or idea. A good essay will be well researched, and draw on relevant evidence and examples in order to define something properly. They can often be used to define something abstract, such as the idea of 'freedom'.

Definition Essay Structure

Each essay will differ depending on the topic, but they'll usually follow the same basic outline:

·         Introduction: This is where you introduce the topic you're defining. You'll usually start with the dictionary definition, in order to give yourself a starting point.

·         Thesis definition: Here's where you'll give a more nuanced definition, based on your understanding and research.

·         Main body: Each paragraph will deal with a different aspect of defining the term. You can start with a paragraph detailing the history and origin of the topic, move onto a full dictionary definition and usage, and then finally create your own personal definition, based on what you have learned.

·         Conclusion: This will draw all your main points together, without introducing 

anything new.
,How, to, Write, a Definition, Essay?                                                 

?How to Write Definition Essay

·         Choose the term you want to define. This may be given to you, or you'll need to choose it for yourself. Make sure you pick a term that you can easily research around.

·         Do your research. The best way to start is to look up several different definitions of the term, and see how it's usually used. Then, you can start reading more widely to expand on your knowledge.

·         Write an outline, like the one above. This will give you the road map to your essay, and make it a lot easier to write.

·         Sit down and write. Choose somewhere quiet and free of distractions, in order to get the most out of your writing time.

Proofread and edit your essay once it's done. Make sure there're no errors lurking in your text that could affect your final grade.

By: Ahmad Ashry

By: Ahmad Ashry

Ahmed Ashry .. An English teacher and trainer .. A Member of the International Translators Association .. A Lecturer and trainer of self-development and human relations .. Interested in blogging to enrich the global content and humanitarian assistance .

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