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How to Write an Argument Essay

How, to, Write, an Argument, Essay,

The main thing about an argument essay is to teach school and college students to stress particular elements in order to persuade the reader or the audience that the writer’s point of view is the most perspective. Such term paper can appear to be a tough challenge. However, taking a few minutes to come up with a precise plan would be the best bet to get a good mark for your work.
How to Start an Argument Essay
First of all, a student is supposed to find an appropriate topic for an essay. The topic should contain at least, two conflicting sides or points with several possible conclusions that differ from each other. We will provide you with a list of topics to make it clear what kind of topics are considered as decent ones when it comes to building your arguments. Pick the one you are interested in, the one that enables you to stress key aspects that can be countered; the one that can be more or less approached from two radically different viewpoints.
Argument Essay Topics
Is a lottery a good idea?
Should cigarette smoking be banned?
Do we have a throw-away society?
Are actors and professional athletes paid too much?
Do We Need a New Way to Teach Math?
Is Prom Worth It?
Are You Distracted by Technology?
Do Your Teachers Use Technology Well?
Should English be the only official language in the United States?
Does age matter in relationships?
Is competition good?
Should girls ask boys out?
Is the cost of college too high?
Does religion cause war?
When should parents allow teens make their own decisions?
Are cell phones dangerous?
Are we too dependent on computers?
Is torture ever acceptable?
Should animals be used for research?
How, to, Write, an Argument, Essay,
Argument Essay Outline and Format
A well-arranged outline is 50% of success. It should contain such key points as:
  • Introduction
  • Thesis Statement
  • Body of the Argument
  • Background
  • Claim
  • Evidence
  • Conclusion


By: Ahmad Ashry

By: Ahmad Ashry

Ahmed Ashry .. An English teacher and trainer .. A Member of the International Translators Association .. A Lecturer and trainer of self-development and human relations .. Interested in blogging to enrich the global content and humanitarian assistance .

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