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Best Body Exercise You Can Do At Your Desk

Body Exercise
Best Body Exercise You Can Do At Your Desk

Best Body Exercise You Can Do At Your Desk

Way too many jobs require to be sitting at a desk without any body exercise, which is totally against the laws of good health. Still, very few people practice exercise to keep their health up. If one if these jobs is yours, you probably know what we are talking about. Arm circle, leg stretch, aerobic, abs exercises… Here are the best body exercises you can do at your desk while sitting or standing nearby.

Why Practicing Desk Exercises?
First of all, human being is not made to stay in place for a long time. To remain in good health, we need to move and exercise our body. If we don’t, our body does not eliminate what he needs to and our health deteriorates step by step. What is surprising is that so few people practice exercise to keep their good health.
Another thing is that all employer is not used to see his employees do body exercises at work, and this can be a problem for certain. If it is your case, remember to explain him that the human brain is not able to focus on one thing for more than 45 minutes. So if you stop every hour to do one of the following exercise, not only will your body thank you, but your brain will also be more effective. Try it and see: after each exercises session, you will feel more focus and more efficient at doing whatever your job is requiring you to do. Ready? So let’s get started.
Body Exercise
Warm Up: March in Place
March in place is the easiest exercise you can do: March with high knees and butt kicks for 30 seconds for each leg. If you like challenges, raise your arms over your head or swing them back and forth to make this exercise more complete.
Aerobic: Arms Circles
Super common but very effective, arms circles is an optimal exercise for those who keep typing on a keyboard all day long. Circle your arms forward and reverse the pattern, holding arms laterally out to the side – try and keep as horizontal as you can -, diagonally in front of you, then straight in front of you – still as straight as you can. Circle in each direction for 30 seconds and if you still like challenges, hold small hand weights and stop in front of you for 5 seconds each time you get there.
Leg Exercise: Seated Leg Raise
One more exercise you can do while sitting at your desk is the seated leg raise. First, you have to sit tall, then raise your leg straight up and squeeze your thigh muscles, holding this lifted position for two seconds before lowering. Do this exercise for 30 seconds for each leg.
Body Exercise
Toes Exercise: Toes Raise
For this exercise you will need to be standing. On the same idea as the previous exercise, stand and hold onto a chair or desk and rise up on your toes, then back on your heels with your toes pointing upward. Repeat for 30 seconds. One could argue that toes do not especially need to be exercised, but do it and see how it feel…
Abs Exercise: Seated Rotation
First of all, sit with good posture, elbows slightly bent. Then rotate to the right while keeping the hips and legs facing forward, keeping your abs contracted at all time while bringing your body back to center and then to the other side. Remember to go slowly and concentrate on rotating only at the torso.
Core Exercise: Desk Plank
For this exercise, you will also need to be standing: place your hands on your desk with your arm straight and feet back away so your body is at an angle. Remember to keep your back straight at all time while coring tight. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat if necessary.
Body Exercise
Arms Strength: Desk Push-Ups
You still want challenges? So while we are at it, why not carry on with desk push-ups: keep the position of the last exercise, wider a bit your hands – wider than shoulder width – and bring your chest to the desk. Press away and repeat for 30 seconds. When you finish this exercise, remember to stretch your arms being your back to avoid soreness in the next few days.
Toning: Chair Triceps Dips
For this exercise, you will need a stable chair. If yours has wells, push it up against the wall or your desk. Then, place your hands next to your hips, palms down, fingers grabbing the chair. Push away from the chair, drop down, and then use your arms to push yourself back up. Repeat for 30 seconds. Still want challenges? Keep your legs straight out.


By: Ahmad Ashry

By: Ahmad Ashry

Ahmed Ashry .. An English teacher and trainer .. A Member of the International Translators Association .. A Lecturer and trainer of self-development and human relations .. Interested in blogging to enrich the global content and humanitarian assistance .

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